Chasing Rabbbits

🗞️ Links & Thinks from 2023.02.10

Everything is Customer Service

This is a quick post that is worth reading at least twice. The gems start with the title: The customer is always right in matters of taste.

Then there’s this:

From a marketing perspective, the customer is never wrong. If you offer two colors of a product, your opinion on which color is better doesn’t matter much

Or this nugget from Zendesk:

Assuming the customer is always right is about assuming responsibility for our own customer experience.

Podcasts = Performance

Now we know why podcast spending hasn’t slowed:

A new study from Acast found 95% of American podcast listeners responded after hearing a podcast ad.

About Yesterday

I posted about reposting your organic content again and again. Well, turns out Instagram is going to make that easier. Enter: the ‘Memory’ Story prompt; or, Facebook’s ‘On This Day’ in Insta. It’s just a test for now, but anything that juices engagement and content sharing is going to get rapidly pushed live.

A few yesterday’s ago I posted a headline about Mastodon’s boom going bust. About that… Lazy Reporters Claiming Fediverse Is ‘Slumping,’ Despite Massive Increase In Usage.

Which, fair. The slump headlines are like calling your campaign that drove massive traffic numbers and had positive ROI a failure because the bounce rate was > 0%.

(It’s similar to why I think headlines like ChatGPT becomes fastest growing app with 100 million active users in just 2 months to be pointless. How many more people are connected to the internet than when Instagram (an iOS-only app at the time) launched? TikTok is closer in time but I think the potential market is smaller and it still needs network effects. ChatGPT doesn’t require other users for it to be useful for the first user.)

Self-Serve Influencers

(Not to be confused with soft serve influencers.) YouTube is reworking its program that connects brands with influencers to be more ‘self-service,’ because Google laid off a bunch of people and needs to cut costs wherever possible. This could also mean cheaper rates for brands.

Just The Headlines

Pinterest jockeys for position in platforms arms race for short-form video (It’s a partnership with Condé Nast for 160 exclusive Vogue and Architectural Digest videos. If these pubs overlap with your brand then there is opportunity here, because when platforms push hard they reward those that jump on board.)

Adobe: January marks fifth straight month of falling online prices

#Instagram #Mastodon #Pinterest #YouTube #customer service #headlines #podcasts #retail #social media