Chasing Rabbbits

🚫 Your brand is not your logo

It’s the story people tell about you. To themselves and others.

A logo is a period at the end of a sentence, not the sentence itself.
-Sagi Haviv

The logo is merely a visual vessel to hold the story. A mental QR code for the consumer.

When you see a logo, you don’t think about the company. Not as the abstract collection of people, processes, and products that it is.

You think about the associations, feelings, and experiences you have with it.

Is your brand acting out the story it wants told about it? Or are you hoping your logo works like wallpaper and covers up what’s underneath?

I guess the punchline is: take the time and money and effort you’d put into an expensive logo and put them into creating a product and experience and story that people remember instead.
-Seth Godin

#brand #thoughts #throwaway notes