Chasing Rabbbits

🥚 Why Peeling Boiled Eggs Is Like Golf

In both cases, you develop a technique—a swing or a method that you believe to be the most effective (or efficient, depending on your goals (maybe even both)).

But in both cases, just when you think you've solved it—you've found the perfect technique—it doesn't work.

A shank into the woods. An egg that shreds instead of peels. A complete failure.

You then have two options. Stick with what was working before and determine which outcome is the rule and which the exception. Or find a new technique.

Sticking with a technique is the correct path. Refinement over time increases the success rate. The miracle of compound interest. Time compounds effort. Effort compounds efficiency. Efficiency compounds effectiveness.

Do you need a better mousetrap? Or do you need to get better at using the mousetrap you have?

#thoughts #throwaway notes