Chasing Rabbbits

🌀Weather Wordplay

A hurricane has never occured in the Pacific Ocean.

Because those are called typhoons or tropical cyclones.

Technically, they're all tropical cyclones. Like all squares are rectangles.

Inflammatory headlines could be written based on these distinctions that, at a base level, are trivial.

But instead of pontificating on why words matter, let's nerd out on cyclones.

Hurricanes occur in the Atlantic Ocean, typically north of the equator. Only 1 recorded hurricane has hit south of equator, Katarina hit Brazil.

Typhoons occur north of the equator in the Pacific. Cyclones occur south of the equator in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

The nothern hemisphere gets more storms due to geography. And Europe and Anatarctica get none, because they aren't in the tropics.

Tropical cyclones do not form near or cross over the equator.

And, finally, just like toilet flushes. These storms spin counterclockwise in the north and clockwise in the south.

For more nerdery on this topic, check out this podcast.

#rabbbit holes