Chasing Rabbbits

🗞️ Links & Thinks from 2023.02.06

Google Bots Back

BingGPT, meet Bard. Google’s very own conversational AI-powered search is coming. Early peeks show the featured snippet / position zero spot being replaced by Bard-generated responses.

The Today In Digital Marketing podcast talked with an ex-Googler about it if you want a good take on it.

More Robots

Quora is entering the AI stew with Poe. This offering is interesting because it is built on a combination of other tools like ChatGPT. New apps, protocols, and experiences built on top of existing models instead of reinventing the wheel. This is how the crypto ecosystem grew. Interestingly, Poe is not currently trained on Quora content (but not a terrible idea to check the platform out and see if it’s a fit).

Also joining the fun, TaboolAI. Get ready for fully automated ad generation in everyone’s favorite clickbait ad platform.

Also also joining the fun? DAN. A hack that gets around ChatGPT’s content restrictions, when it “works.” This is fine, right? It’s probably fine…😬

And if you feel like you’ve noticed a trend recently, you have: Big Tech companies use cloud computing arms to pursue alliances with AI groups.

Google’s 2023 Checklist (For You)

Here’s how Google thinks you can “set yourself up for success in 2023.” (Worth a look if you use any of their marketing tools.)

TikTok Inspo

Need some inspiration for your TikTok? Try this rec from DTC Daily:

I'd really encourage you to take a look at Plufl's TikTok. They're not pulling in huge numbers but they are posting high-quality, consistent content that ties into trending sounds and memes on the app.

Blue Check Boogaloo?

While I’m stealing from the DTC Daily family, here’s one from Growth Daily. I don’t really care about the whole blue check thing, but this idea makes sense (as long as you control for spammers and bad actors, etc).

we are big fans of the blue checkmark because it acts as a signal to the greater community that you take the platform seriously.

Just The Headlines

#ads #algorithms #headlines #playbook #retail #social media