Chasing Rabbbits

📓 Keyword Targeting: Broad Match 2.0

Google's broad match for keyword targeting ads used to be garbage. There was no better way to waste budget on irrelevant and junk searches. The search query reports were fun to review though (and unsettling at times).

But that might be changing now.

As further proof that bots are running the company, the broad match matching system now leverages other signals from your account (like keywords and landing pages) to help better match ads to queries.

To help clarify this, Google indulged in Silicon Valley's favorite signaling mechanism: a name change. Broad match keywords will now trigger on "relevant" searches, not just "related" searches.

The secret to using them effectively: let campaigns / ad groups train on more specific match types first and make sure you're using a Smart Bidding option when you add broad match in.

#Google #ads #playbook