Chasing Rabbbits

Hojoki by Kamo no Chomei

Finished reading: Hōjōki by Kamo no Chomei 📚

From Wikipedia:

Hōjōki (方丈記, literally "square-jō record"), variously translated as An Account of My Hut or The Ten Foot Square Hut, is an important and popular short work of the early Kamakura period (1185–1333) in Japan by Kamo no Chōmei.

From Hōjōki:

Though the river's current never fails, the water passing, moment by moment, is never the same.

Whenever you must rely upon others, so are not self-sufficient, then those others come to possess you.

Only the quiet life is important, and taking pleasure in assuming its hardships.

I myself do without servants. I have become my own servant, which is the better way. If I have something to do, I use my own body.

With one body, the work can be divided between two hands and two feet.