Chasing Rabbbits

🗞️ Google's Post-Cookie Potluck

Google really wants people to start testing out its post-cookie targeting ideas (Topics, FLEDGE, Attribution Reporting), so a Googler wrote a post about them.

How will these impact "audience creation"?

Topics is the new Google-based interest targeting and will be used for Affinity and In-market audiences. It can be extended with contextual data (about the page the user is on, so contextual advertising) and Attribution Reporting (which could help unearth other topics of interest to converters (say, the overlap of sports fandom and international news interest).

FLEDGE allows implementers to create their own user segments (which live on-device / in-browser for privacy purposes) and covers all 4 audience types: Affinity, In-market, Remarketing, Audience extension (I think this one is like lookalike / similar audiences). In all cases this is accomplished by assigning site visitors to custom interest groups to be used for targeting.

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