Chasing Rabbbits

🗞️ Facebook Lead Forms Get A Facelift

Facebook lead ads are a great tool if they fit your business goals. Now they're finally getting better. What's changing?

Pre-Qualify Leads

Add a custom multiple choice question that will categorize the user as a lead or not a lead based on their answer. Users whose answer keeps the in the lead bucket get to continue through the form like usual. If they answer a "not a lead" answer then they get sent to a custom completion screen and can't fill out the rest of the form. As of now you can only use one filtering question per form and it must be the first question.

You create one completion screen for each lead bucket with a headline, description, and call to action button (so basically the garden variety end screen, you just create two depending on if they finished the form or not).

More Calls to Action

After a form is filled out you have a choose-your-own-adventure set of options to finish it off with:

The link option is the standard, but maybe you want them to do something else. You can drop a phone number in and encourage them to call you without leaving the app (or the form). Or, and this is the most interesting one to me, you can use the form as a content gate and let them download a JPEG, PNG, or PDF straight from the form. (And yes, these options are available with the lead filter feature.)

Go Crazy With Custom

Not content to be basic? Good news, now you can go custom.

According to Big Blue, this option allows you to "tell your brand's strory with rich context, visuals and customizable sections."

Here's a list of the options, click through on the link above to see visuals and get a better feel for it:

And voilà, you now have something that looks a lot more like a landing page than a standard Facebook form.

*These are slowly rolling out so your account may not have access yet.

#Facebook #ads #headlines #lead gen