Chasing Rabbbits

🗞️ EU vs Facebook: Round ?

The EU doesn’t like Facebook Marketplace. One reason is because Big Blue users automatically get access, “whether they want it or not.” Another is the data collection possibilities, which, have you met a large internet company? (Or a retailer with a store brand?)

On one hand I understand the concerns. Especially since the EU is more concerned about competition and anti-monopoly positioning than “consumer benefit,” usually via the method of price (the US flips that). On the other hand this seems like a clear signal that incumbent companies shouldn’t try to innovate.

This ruling could more firmly entrench the trinternet. And could push large internet platforms to “localize” operations to a certain extent.

TikTok is the (technically) non-Chinese version of Douyin. And Project Texas is supposed to mean US user data gets processed and stored on US soil (what happens if you like a video from someone in Japan? where does that data live?). The Trend Machine could be on the forefront of another trend, this one more technical and less interesting (probably) to users.

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